Daten & AnalyseEnergieKünstliche IntelligenzTechnologien
NEOKII is an open, tokenised platform to unlock and harness home energy data to build a democratised energy intelligence. This will be the first comprehensive data basis for sophisticated investments into decentralised energy.
While the demand for electricity increases rapidly, we have to reduce CO2 emissions dramatically to limit global warming. Distributed energy resources will be key to manage this drastic change. Cryptoeconomics has shown new incentive structures to attract the best energy data towards a decentralised energy system. Along with it, private machine learning allows for training on sensitive private data without revealing it.

After increasing utility-scale renewables, significant investments into decentralised energy are strongly needed now. To overcome the lack of information NEOKII empowers energy data owners to make use of their data assets without losing control over it and be part of a democratised energy intelligence.

Actionable intelligence based on high-quality home energy data enables sophisticated investment decisions and leads to enhanced recommendations. NEOKII is the data basis for a new energy market design. A basis for electric utilities, grid operators as well as individuals to make sophisticated investment decisions for decentralised energy.

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10405 Berlin

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